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Conexant Generic Drivers

Over 600 people used the form that was originally on the site to "Send a Message to Conexant" asking that they publish generic drivers for their HCF and HSF modems in June, 2000. This resulted in a dialog and Conexant told me they would make available a generic driver by the end of August. Finally, on November 14, with no driver, they told me their plans had changed and there would be no generic driver.

Sometime around the end of July, 2001, limited generic drivers were made available.

Conexant generic driver download page.

MODEM SUPPORT FAQS - this is where you'll learn that reading and using the Conexant site has to be preceded with a message from their lawyers - and to try and make sure you understand that they really don't have any obligation to you for anything. And, that the driver they supply will be limited in function, and may not enable all the features your particular modem has. (It appears that there is support only for data/fax, and data/fax/voice modem would lose its voice capabilities using the generic drivers.)

There is no Riptide support (Conexant refers you to the HP site listed under Hewlett Packard.)

But, hey, this is a good first step, and I congratulate and thank Conexant for finally "doing the right thing".

-Updated 24-Aug-04 -

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