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HomeTroubleshooting Trouble Beyond the Modem    Netstat


One of the DOS-box commands available with Microsoft Windows is: netstat which can display protocol statistics and TCP/IP network connections. Options available with the command can be displayed with: netstat /?

netstat -s will give a display similar to to right column.

NOTE: THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEMS and high-delay networks that may cause premature retransmission of packets. 

The netstat -s results will show the number of segments retransmitted.

There is a fix for Windows operating systems:

Windows 95/98

Windows NT (Service Pack 6)

IP Statistics
  Packets Received                   = 9751
  Received Header Errors             = 0
  Received Address Errors            = 0
  Datagrams Forwarded                = 0
  Unknown Protocols Received         = 0
  Received Packets Discarded         = 0
  Received Packets Delivered         = 9751
  Output Requests                    = 10485
  Routing Discards                   = 0
  Discarded Output Packets           = 0
  Output Packet No Route             = 0
  Reassembly Required                = 0
  Reassembly Successful              = 0
  Reassembly Failures                = 0
  Datagrams Successfully Fragmented  = 0
  Datagrams Failing Fragmentation    = 0
  Fragments Created                  = 0
ICMP Statistics
                            Received    Sent
  Messages                  255         260       
  Errors                    0           0         
  Destination Unreachable   9           3         
  Time Exceeded             183         0         
  Parameter Problems        0           0         
  Source Quenchs            0           0         
  Redirects                 0           0         
  Echos                     0           257       
  Echo Replies              63          0         
  Timestamps                0           0         
  Timestamp Replies         0           0         
  Address Masks             0           0         
  Address Mask Replies      0           0         
TCP Statistics
  Active Opens                        = 433
  Passive Opens                       = 68
  Failed Connection Attempts          = 10
  Reset Connections                   = 101
  Current Connections                 = 3
  Segments Received                   = 6998
  Segments Sent                       = 7156
  Segments Retransmitted              = 35
UDP Statistics
  Datagrams Received    = 2495
  No Ports              = 258
  Receive Errors        = 0
  Datagrams Sent        = 3034


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