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HomeTroubleshooting  DUNS Errors  • Error 691


691 - Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain.

With all Windows versions - This error can occur if you use a bad username or password; remember in most instances the password is case-sensitive - you will not see the password, so if CAPS LOCK is not the way you expect it, you may have a problem with upper/lower-case. It may also occur if there is a problem with your service provider's access equipment, or on a 'bad' connection where the modem is retraining. Can also occur with incorrect Connectoid settings.

If you get this error the on a new account - you may not be using the correct username and/or password. Verify with your provider exactly what you need for username, and your password.

If this error persists, try dialing in to the server with Hyperterminal connected directly to modem. (Also see - Using Hyperterminal.) Nearly all servers will respond after CONNECT with a login prompt for your user name, and then password. This will allow you to see any error response from the server. If the server accepts your username and password, it should start a PPP session, and you cannot use Hyperterminal to get any further - you may see 'garbage' characters. If this happens, the username and password combination should work with DUNs. If you get an error, contact your service provider and have them try and log in with your account information.

This error may also occur even if you have entered the correct username and password if your Windows networking settings are incorrect. Make sure that 'Log on to Network' is not checked in your DUNS connectoid.

With Windows 98 - if you setup CompuServe from the Online Services Folder - See MS KB Q188120

WindowsXP - Problems caused by incorrect Connectoid settings - also see MS KB Q310431 and Q314445.

Windows 2000 - Problems caused by incorrect Connectoid settings - also see MS KB Q161986.

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